I love the Jehucal lookbooks, it is probably one of my favourite things about the brand. Jehucal lookbooks allow me to take people into the world of Jehucal and how I envision the pieces being worn and experience the feelings I felt when designing the pieces. I'll be collating our lookbooks onto this page and will do my best to keep it updated!


Make sure to follow us on Instagram too so you can see new lookbooks when they drop as well as our TikTok page for BTS.


Friday 22nd April is Earth Day.

This year, rather than just discuss the facts and figures we’re creating an impact that lasts Till Forever.

We teamed up with @moretreeshq to literally plant more trees. For each item purchased on Friday 22nd we’ll be planting 1 tree & for any green items purchased we’ll double it and plant 2 trees!

Hit the link below to check out the lookbook. For this lookbook I had to keep it earthy and after shooting in the office we then headed down to the canal for some more shots. Hit the link below to see the full lookbook

Technology is best when it brings people together

- Matt Mullenweg

Our values

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